
The deadline for entering your latest Smart Packaging technology in this year’s Sustainability Awards is approaching fast! With the increasing use of Smart Packaging to improve the reuse, recycling and environmentally friendly application of packaging gaining more recognition all the time, this is a great opportunity to put your relevant Active & Intelligent packaging in the spotlight.

The Awards will be presented during the 2023 AIPIA World Congress in Amsterdam, next November (14 & 15), as part of the co-located Sustainable Packaging Summit.

This year’s Award has expanded the ACTIVE & INTELLIGENT categories, to include not only products in the pre-commercial stage, but also commercialized innovations already in use. Submissions in these categories should be smart packaging innovations, such as active coatings and communicative packaging technologies, that deliver positive environmental impacts.

The Sustainability Awards, organised by AIPIA’s partners Packaging Europe, sets the agenda on best practice, turns the spotlight on the most important areas of R&D, and helps separate greenwash from the innovations that make a genuine difference.

“Since its inception, the initiative has not only exponentially grown, but continually evolved its criteria and categories in order to better reflect the innovation landscape and the sustainability demands that industry needs to meet,” said Packaging Europe’s brand director, Tim Sykes. “So extending the ACTIVE & INTELLIGENT category makes total sense as the Smart Packaging sector brings more and more products to the market which have a direct impact on Sustainability.”

The Sustainability Awards is free to enter, and open to all kinds of organisations throughout the packaging value chain and beyond. “Though it is organized by Packaging Europe, the Sustainability Awards is independently judged by a diverse, international jury of experts, with zero input from the organizers,” explained Sykes.

AIPIA managing director Eef de Ferrante urged members with relevant products and services to get on board. “This is a great opportunity to highlight how Smart Packaging is becoming part of the solution to a greener planet. The use of new, recyclable, active materials, plus connected packaging’s messaging potential, digital marking of different plastics and the numerous active and condition monitoring products can impact all areas of waste, not just packaging waste. Recognition of Smart Packaging’s contribution in this area is important to its future development,” he added.

Entries to the Sustainability Awards can be made via the submissions platform. The simple entry process can start by clicking the link below, registering, and filling in the entry form. More details of the Sustainability Awards calendar and competition categories and the competition rules and guidelines can also be found there.

SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS TIMELINE: the deadline for making a Submission to this year’s Awards is 17TH MARCH 2023. This date is not likely to be extended, so fill in your entry today!

Click here to learn more.

This article was created in collaboration with AIPIA (the Active and Intelligent Packaging Industry Association). Packaging Europe and AIPIA are joining forces to bring news and commentary about the active and intelligent packaging landscape to a larger audience. To learn more about this partnership, click here.