All Transit articles – Page 4
Recyclable Tray2Go from Sabert geared towards takeaway sushi, pastries, and more
Sabert Corporation Europe intends to provide a fully recyclable packaging solution for chilled food-to-go, confectionery, and bakery products with its multifunctional Tray2Go.
Thermal packaging for pharmaceuticals in transit developed by Hydropac
Hydropac is unveiling PharmaPac, a range of thermal packaging solutions designed to overcome ‘last mile’ delivery challenges and meet regulatory requirements for temperature-sensitive medications and vaccines.
Greiner Packaging uses rPET from yellow bag in tray-to-tray recycling for bottle display
Greiner Packaging is implementing post-consumer rPET from the yellow bag into trays to transport and display beverage bottles, with Rauch Fruchtsäfte set to adopt trays containing 70% post-consumer recyclate.
SEE incorporates 95% recycled plastic into inflatable air cushions
A new range of SEE (formerly Sealed Air)’s BubbleWrap Brand inflatable air pillows – now containing a minimum of 95% recycled plastic content – has been revealed in the hopes of helping e-commerce and fulfilment companies reach their sustainability targets.
Get ready for the Digital Product Passport
As a tool to create transparency and enable circularity, the European Commission is proposing the implementation of digital product passports (DPPs) that share product and traceability information across the entire product lifecycle.
Mester Grønn and Stora Enso report 80% fewer CO2 emissions with formed fibre plant trays
Mester Grønn and Stora Enso have revealed a formed fibre transportation tray for plants in the hopes of lowering the CO2 emissions associated with plastic alternatives and reducing the flower industry’s environmental impact.
Congress Special: Wiliot adds humidity monitoring to its ambient IoT visibility platform
AIPIA member Wiliot, the ambient Internet of Things (IoT) platform provider, has announced a breakthrough with its new ability to sense and analyze humidity levels of individual products, in real-time, throughout the supply chain.
New solution from Mondi and Robopac stretch wraps pallets in paper
Mondi and Robopac have joined forces to develop a paper stretch wrapping solution and help phase out unnecessary plastics in pallet wrapping applications – claiming to wrap up to 750 pallets with one reel of kraft paper.
Mondelez rolls out recycling and sustainability messages via on-pack QR codes
Australia has become the proving ground for many major multinational brand owners to test smart packaging solutions. Now Mondelez International has launched Snacking Right – a new on-pack QR code that the company says can provide Australian consumers with current recycling and packaging disposal information, as well as details on the company’s commitment to what it describes as “mindful snacking and sustainable sourcing”, according to a report in PKN, Packaging News Australia.
Paperwrap will now package Taylor & Francis’ journal print deliveries
Taylor & Francis is packaging and delivering its journal print copies in paperwrap in the hopes of cutting down on unnecessary plastic use.
Mondi provides Aromsa with corrugated cardboard shipping box for food flavouring products
Mondi is working with flavour company Aromsa to replace its stainless steel containers with TankerBox, a paper-based alternative that aims to increase shipping capacity, streamline transportation, and lower container maintenance.
Cabka designs Pallet Box 2.0 for high-volume storage and logistics
Cabka has revealed the Pallet Box 2.0, a plastic load carrier with a 1,400-litre volume designed for improved handling and increased durability in automated storage and high-volume logistics.
Gartner on understanding the circular economy growth opportunity
In this article, Anne Michelle Avolio, Senior Director Analyst with the Gartner Supply Chain Practice, discusses common circular economy misconceptions and why now is the time for supply chain leaders to embrace this disruptive market force.
Tosca encourages switch to reusable, foldable containers for bulk liquid transportation with release of new LCA tool
Tosca has launched a new life cycle analysis (LCA) tool aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and fossil fuel and water usage, in the transportation of bulk liquids by suggesting that companies switch to its foldable Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) solutions.
Megaflex Schaumstoff to package mattresses in new kraft paper bag from Mondi
Mondi has developed Protector Bag ExpandForm, an expandable paper bag solution, to repackage Megaflex Schaumstoff’s rollpacked mattresses.
Cabka offers ‘circular’ order picking pallet made from recycled plastics
Cabka has developed the Retail E5.3 order picking pallet in a bid to provide reusable, circular transport packaging made of recycled plastics for the transportation of food products to stores with lower CO2 emissions.
Is this the world’s first cellular label for supply chains?
Unilog, an Israel-based technology company with particular expertise in the design and management of global supply chains has introduced Ucontrol™, which it describes as a revolutionary IoT solution that has the potential to change supply chain dynamics.
Phononic updates cold-chain smart tote with sights set on HFC reduction
Phononic has released its Actively-Cooled Tote (ACT) 2000 cooling and freezing equipment for cold chain applications, featuring a proprietary thermoelectric-based cooling platform to combat toxic refrigerants and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) that contribute to global warming.
Jägermeister aims for lower emissions in transportation packaging with new corrugated shipping boxes
Jägermeister has redesigned its shipping boxes to be manufactured from corrugated board and reportedly incorporate over 90% recycled paper, amongst other changes, in a bid to save an annual 249 tonnes of CO2.
SABIC and Cabka design fire-resistant, recyclable PP solutions for folding pallet box
SABIC has worked alongside Cabka to launch a series of lightweight, flame-retardant, and reportedly recyclable polymer material solutions to produce the CabCube folding pallet box.