
dtcpay’s global payment card will be housed in a sliding packaging system created in partnership with Burgopak and intended to facilitate a pleasant, easy unboxing process.

dtcpay’s payment platform incorporates blockchain technology in pursuit of faster, safer, more cost-efficient transactions. With the new payment card, users can transact at over 100 minnion Mastercard acceptance locations worldwide.

Now Burgopak and dtcpay have developed a sliding packaging system to hold the card. As it is unboxed, messaging and activation information is revealed, which intends to capture the consumer’s attention and streamline the setup process.

Dane Whitehouse, creative director at Burgopak, said: “When thinking about the packaging of dtcpay’s payment card, the aim was to encapsulate the brand’s values and demonstrate its vibrancy.

“Burgopak provided dtcpay with a ‘telescopic’ sliding packaging design, overlaid with dynamic artwork. Fractal patterns, derived from the primary diamond shaped logo, combined with elegant gradient effects, really help bring the packaging to life.”

“We were keen for users to be able to identify our brand before opening the card packaging, so the external packaging had to be eye-catching, distinctive and convey professionalism,” added Ashlee Zhang, head of Marketing at dtcpay. “The sliding mechanism makes the unboxing of the card a pleasure, reflecting the ease of the card setup process.

“We look forward to launching the card and delivering on our promise of making global transactions seamless and cost-effective, and helping businesses stay ahead in the digital world.”

In other news, Ahlstrom’s specimen collection card is set to store and transport DNA samples from plants, fungi, insects, and parasites at ambient temperatures. It claimsto preserve samples for over twenty years, simplify logistics, lower costs, and achieve environmental benefits.

Also, Keystone Folding Box Co.’s new child-resistant blister wallet for hard pharmaceutical tablets is designed for easy opening by adult consumers with a push-through opening and perforation and nick pattern.

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