
Antonio Stojanov, board member for Product Management and Marketing

In this edition of ‘In Conversation With…’, we speak to Antonio Stojanov, board member for Product Management and Marketing at Aluflexpack, to learn more about the company’s pursuit of sustainability in its operations and products – including 4∞ Form, a recyclable aluminium blister pack for pharmaceuticals – and what we can expect to see from Aluflexpack at FACHPACK 2024.


Let’s start on a broader scale. Aluflexpack describes itself as a “packaging success maker” and an “integrated packaging and barrier solutions provider for a lasting packaging experience” – could you tell us what that means in practice?

Aluflexpack has been specializing in developing high-quality packaging solutions for over four decades. Today, we have eleven production plants in seven countries across Europe, Türkiye and Tunisia, with the headquarters in Switzerland. We serve over 700 customers around the globe ranging from food to pharmaceuticals.

The group is continuously expanding, with the latest acquisition in Tunisia and a brand-new plant in the USA. Our core business is developing premium circular flexible packaging and barrier solutions, serving customers and end consumers worldwide.


The Packaging Success Maker approach addresses all aspects of our customers’ packaging journey and success while creating benefits for people, planet, and prosperity. Our starting point is the fact that each customer has different priorities and needs based on consumer trends that are driving markets and shaping our industry.

Our role is to anticipate market demands and to adapt to the needs of customers, sometimes even before they have detected it, by investing in cutting edge technology and innovations. It means we facilitate customers in achieving their packaging success using, among others, deep vertical integration and tailor-made experience. This results in intelligent, innovative and sustainable solutions and long-lasting relationships, which last on average an impressive 17 years.

The latest example of this modular and integrated approach is the development of the recyclable 4∞ Form – as a response to market needs, we have developed an innovation for the pharmaceutical industry in a form of recyclable blister solution.

Another example of active collaboration with different stakeholders – not only along our value and supply chains, but also with others who facilitate our customer success – is the development of the patented RE–LID solution for Beverage Cans, introducing a range of consumer benefits, combined with improvements in sustainable packaging. This innovative concept is the result of a joint development between several strategic partners, whereby we have contributed with our expertise and support in advanced materials technology.

What is Aluflexpack doing to pursue sustainability in its operations? Have you faced any challenges along the way?

Sustainability has been at the core of Aluflexpack since its foundation and our commitment to sustainable and circular packaging is an integral part of our business strategy. The main purpose of our flexible packaging is to protect the product and the consumer. But at the same time, when we develop products, we put a lot of focus on how to reduce Product Carbon Footprints (PCF) and increase recyclability. Today, we are proud to have over 80 percent of our portfolio that can be recycled.


Additionally, the specificity of aluminium, our preferred material, is precisely its sustainability. Did you know that aluminium is one of the rare materials that is infinitely recyclable with no loss in quality? 75% of all aluminium ever sourced is still in use today.

In addition, it is extremely light, resistant to extreme temperatures, and provides 100% protection against moisture, light, and oxygen, as well as bacteria and microorganisms. Products in flexible aluminium packaging therefore have a significantly extended shelf life.

Guided by our brand principle of a Packaging Success Maker, we help our customers to meet their sustainability targets and navigate through the complexity of the topic, working closely with numerous stakeholders to create safe and sustainable packaging solutions. Throughout the designing of our products, we follow directives and regulations, including the newly published Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).

This orientation towards sustainable business is also proofed by our commitment to the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Net-Zero Standard in line with the 1.5 °C climate goal of the Paris Agreement and will submit its greenhouse gas reduction targets by the beginning of 2025, at the latest.


On that note, can you give us an overview of the 4∞ product line? Tell us more about 4∞ Form; what is it, and what features does it bring to the table?

As one part of that commitment and strategy, Aluflexpack has developed a revolutionary innovation in the field of packaging – the 4∞ Form. This is a pharmaceutical blister pack that is made entirely of lacquered aluminium, which means that it is perfect for recycling and has impressive protective properties. This innovation is driven by our proactivity, creative and systematic approach that aligns with our values, relevant regulations and our commitment to sustainability.

Utilizing our extensive supplier network and collaboration efforts, with initiative from our Arimpeks team and the expertise and collaboration of many departments in the company – R&D , Product management and Marketing, Sales, Technology, Production, Sustainability and Innovation – we have developed a solution that can significantly impact the pharmaceutical packaging market towards greater sustainability.

Why would you recommend 4∞ Form to potential customers?

Because it is an innovative pharmaceutical blister pack that is ideal for recycling, has impressive protective properties and is in line with existing and future regulations and legislation in pharmacy and packaging. The product is intended primarily for the pharmaceutical industry, where it can replace the previous OPA/AL/PVC (coldform) and PVC/PVDC (thermoform) solutions.

In addition, it offers the aforementioned protective properties against external factors such as light temperature, moisture, as well as all bacteria and microorganisms. Flexible aluminium packaging ensures a significantly longer shelf life for the packed products.

Aluflexpack will also be at FACHPACK this year. Alongside 4∞, what can visitors expect to see from you there?

Since 2018, we have been present at FACHPACK and are very happy that this year focus will be on our 4∞ Line. We will present products from that line made from lacquered aluminium such as 4∞ Form, blister foils, foil for coffee capsules, lacquered aluminium for chocolates, aluminium lids for dairy and other industries, pharmaceutical caps, and many more.

We will also present our other sustainable solutions and R&D projects that are not part of the 4∞ Line, but are complementary from the aspect of sustainability, such as the barrier paper, PP lids, mono-material pouches, paper-based pouches and others.

But, most of all we are happy to meet our friends, partners and customers to exchange ideas experiences and thoughts on industry trends because only together we can, in the long run, contribute to people, planet, and prosperity which are the main pillars of our 3-win strategy and reach climate-related commitments that are of importance to all of us.

Of course, there is much more from Aluflexpack and therefore we use this opportunity to invite visitors to come, meet and talk to us at FACHPACK, Hall 4 / Booth Number 4-523!


Click here to learn more about 4∞ Form – its compliance with the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, its range of industrial applications, and more.