Anuga FoodTec is the leading international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry. It will be proving this once again from 20 to 23 March 2018: Around 1,700 suppliers from more than 50 countries will be presenting their new products for the production and packing of all types of food on 140,000 square meters of exhibition space.
The comprehensive range of exhibits will once again this year also be accompanied by a multi-faceted event and congress programme. Target group-specific lectures, conferences, forums, guided tours, special events and networking events will thereby create additional impulses and added value for the exhibitors and visitors. The top theme of Anuga FoodTec 2018 is Resource Efficiency. As usual, the German Agricultural Association (DLG) is responsible for the professional organization of the congress programme.
Optimize production processes, reduce the energy and water consumption, and minimize the loss of foodstuffs as far as possible: The half-day opening conference of Anuga FoodTec, which is completely dedicated to the theme resource efficiency, demonstrates this and much more. The speakers are the internationally renowned experts Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart (Scientific Manager of the Hamburg Environmental Institute (HUI), Prof. Dr. ir. Ruud Huirne (Food & Agri Director, the Netherlands, Rabobank), Prof. Pierre Pienaar (President of the World Packaging Organisation) and Prof. Dr. Alexander Sauer (Director of the Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production EEP, University of Stuttgart). The opening conference is scheduled to take place at 2:00 p.m. on 20 March, in the Europasaal of the Congress Centre East.
Diversity guaranteed: The expert forums of Anuga FoodTec
From food and beverage technology, to packing, through to current and future trends: The expert forums of Anuga FoodTec offer numerous possibilities of informing oneself and for the exchange with national and international experts. This year's leading theme 'Resource Efficiency' is both the focus of the forum and the opening conference. Two further focuses of the export forums are 'Themes, Trends, Technologies - that are moving the food industry' as well as 'Food Ingredients'. An overview of the expert forums can be found under the following link.
Guided Tours
The guided tours offer a compact and informative overview of specific themes of the food and beverage industry. In the course of the tours, selected exhibitors will present and explain their products, machines and functions live on-site. Interested visitors can take part in different tours daily. The themes of the guided tours include among others robotics, Industry 4.0, more flexibility in the filling and packing technology, meat and dairy technologies as well as innovative packing materials. Registrations are possible from 24 January onwards and are urgently recommended. This link will take you to the guided tours
Anuga FoodTec 2018: Plenty on the programme
Anuga FoodTec 2018 exhibitors will present their companies, their product range and/or innovations to a broad trade audience in the Speakers Corner. A different, exciting theme is on the agenda every 30 minutes throughout the entire duration of the trade fair. The Speakers Corner can be found in Passage 4/5. Furthermore, the trade visitors can look forward to special events like the 'Robotik-Pack-Line' or a special exhibition on the theme of 'Packaging Design - get inspired'. The numerous live presentations of the exhibitors round off the Anuga FoodTec experience perfectly. Those, who would like the opportunity to see a certain machine in operation can inform themselves online about the demonstration times of the machines shortly before the fair begins. Interested parties can find the respective categories and the demonstration times of the machines via the event search and the option "Extended Search"/"Themes"