All Amazon articles – Page 3

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    Adapting to the Dawn of the Omnichannel


    Isabel Rocher of DS Smith (and formerly Amazon) shares with Tim Sykes her insights into the still fluid omnichannel landscape, and the challenges, solutions and ultimate opportunities that are only beginning to come into view.

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    Pack the Future


    The Museum of Brands opened a new display to the public on Thursday 22nd February 2018, Pack the Future, focussing on the topic of sustainable packaging.

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    What to Consider When Keeping Fulfilment in-house


    The recent and very rapid growth of the ecommerce sector, driven by increased customer expectation of service and supply, requires any fast growing internet sales business to constantly monitor the beating heart of its operation – the fulfilment proc

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    HAVI's key trends for 2017


    Tackling food waste, enabling ecommerce and holistic packaging will be among the key trends for the packaging industry in 2017, according to a new trends alert from industry leader HAVI.

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    Do Your Own Thing - is Own-Label Overtaking Big-Brands?


    by Alex Chappell of Colt

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    GPI & 2SFG Spark Food Innovation


    Graphic Packaging International has collaborated with Two Sisters Food Group to create a new and exciting range of ready meal products for online retailer Amazon.

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    The Digital World for Packaging: 10 Top Trends


    We are in the middle of a revolution. The Internet is changing everything: design, marketing and trade structures. This also has far-reaching consequences for packaging