The Recharge from Netherlands-based Fasten BV is a cosmetic refill packaging concept, nominated in the precommercialized ‘Driving The Circular Economy’ category for the Sustainability Awards 2022.

The Recharge

The Recharge

You’re a finalist in the Sustainability Awards 2022. Congratulations! To start off, could you summarize your entry The Recharge, in less than 50 words?

The Recharge is an innovative and sustainable cosmetic refill packaging. Most available systems lack holistic vision and focus on the refill. At Recharge, we didn’t stop there but looked beyond the refill like the choice of material, weight reduction, cross-contamination, and user-friendliness without compromising on the high-end design.

Why do you think the judges were impressed with your entry? Tell us about what is innovative about your project and/or about its impact on packaging sustainability.

The Recharge is a refill concept that tells a story about the future. It’s based on all aspects of innovative and sustainable packaging.

  • Choice of materials: PP and PET only, materials with good recyclable options
  • A refill inner bottle to reduce waste
  • New techniques for the mono pump, PP only
  • Avoid cross-contamination with the built-in dip tube.
  • Losing unnecessary materials like a bottom for the outer bottle

Implementing all of these aspects creates packaging that reduces our CO2 footprint and gives the consumer a product to love.

When and how do you intend to launch/commercialize this innovation?

At this moment, we are presenting this solution to our customers. Based on this product, we have already launched a similar refill system with a customer. (cannot disclose them because of NDA)

You’re shortlisted for the ‘Driving the Circular Economy’ category. What do you see as the key demands, challenges and opportunities in relation to driving the circular economy in packaging?

There are so many factors that play a big role in the circular economy