SEALPAC, a leading manufacturer of high-tech traysealers and thermoformers, demonstrated at interpack 2017 one of the most powerful traysealers around for fresh food applications, the A10.
It is characterized by highest levels of accuracy and reliability. SEALPAC has now further optimized its high-performance traysealers by introducing a whole new drive concept.
SEALPAC A10 traysealer – the exceptional classThe high-performance SEALPAC A10 traysealer is perfectly tuned to applications that require highest outputs and limited format changes. This machine reliably seals high-volume, price-sensitive products, such as minced meat, where packaging performance is decisive for the overall price and therefore the competitiveness of the product. Depending on tray size and application, the A10 will seal up to 160 trays perminute, and thus stands for top performance.
At Interpack 2017, SEALPAC demonstrated demonstrated the A10 traysealer in double lane execution. A virtual experience awaitedvisitors to the stand: by means of VR glasses, the stand-alone A10 traysealer at the stand became the centre-piece of a fully automated line in a factory.
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