All Rigid Packaging articles
Child-resistant, 100% paperboard cigarette box now available for cannabis
Available in FSC-certified board or recycled paperboard versions, Contempo Specialty Packaging has created the ‘world’s first’ child-resistant and plastic-free cigarette box for cannabis pre-rolls.
Aerosols topped with Koehler and Wimbée’s 100% cardboard and paper cap
Wimbée and Koehler Paper, part of the Koehler Group, have developed the ‘first’ cardboard cap with a paper coating to top aerosol cans; among its first applications are Héritage’s O’Cedar furniture care products.
Agilyx launches Plastyx Ltd. to supply feedstock for European plastic recycling industry
Agilyx has announced the launch of Plastyx Ltd. in collaboration with Plastic Energy founder Carlos Monreal, designed to source and supply feedstock for Europe’s advanced plastic recycling market.
Xact Prepack and Termoformas produce plastic trays and punnets with 80% recycled content
Xact Prepack has partnered with Termoformas to create plastic punnets and trays for the food industry with a minimum of 80% recycled content, designed for applications including meat and fresh produce.
Plant-based dog treats packed in 98% paper Sonoco can for easier recycling
Designed to contain up to 98% paper content and facilitate home recyclability, Sonoco’s GreenCan solution has been utilized by start-up DoggyLove to package its plant-based pet treats.
New data says Swedish DRS recycled 2.8 billion beverage containers in 2024
According to new data from Sweden’s Deposit Return System (DRS) operator Pantamera (Returpack), more than 2.8 billion PET bottles and aluminium cans were returned in 2024 – a 6% increase from the previous year, with every person in Sweden recycling 271 containers on average.
Researchers 3D-print coffee and mushroom mixture into ‘compostable’ packs
Researchers at the University of Washington have mixed coffee grounds, mushroom spores, and mycelium to 3D-print a ‘compostable’ packaging material said to perform similarly to polystyrene dunnage.
Cepi calls on EU Commission to continue US tariff negotiations
Following the US government’s imposed tariffs on steel and aluminium, Cepi has called on the European Commission to continue negotiations, citing the potential for future tariffs including pulp and paper and aiming to avoid supply chain disruptions.
Berry provides bottle solution for Vamoosh plughole unblocker
Berry Global (Berry) has provided cleaning company Vamoosh with a solution for its Plug Hole Unblocker, said to have the required strength and robustness to handle the product’s specialist chemicals.
Stork launches new all-electric injection moulding line
Netherlands-based Stork IMM has extended its injection moulding machine range with the launch of a new all-electric line.
ITC Packaging thermoforms plastic dairy cup with separable paper elements
ITC Packaging has combined separable, ‘100% recyclable’ plastic and cardboard components to develop its thermoformed CombiCup for hot and cold, ready-to-drink and dairy products.
Corrugated DryPack from DS Smith keeps fish cold and remains recyclable
DS Smith’s corrugated board seafood box claims to keep fish fresh at under 40°F (~4.44°C) for over 40 hours in cold chain operations while helping processors lower both costs and CO2 emissions.
America imposes 25% aluminium and steel import tariffs – and EU responds
The United States has placed 25% tariffs on imports of steel, aluminium, and products containing such metals; the European Commission will respond by re-enforcing suspended counter-tariffs and introducing new countermeasures to the ‘unjustified’ restrictions.
Saica Group invests $110 million into U.S. plant for corrugated packaging
Saica Group plans to invest over $110 million (€100,826,317.46) into a new corrugated manufacturing facility in the United States and produce over 1,200,000 MSF of corrugated packaging from 2026.
New PCR polymer from Berry to slash CO2 in homecare and industrial packs
Berry has revealed a ‘high-quality’ post-consumer recycled plastic polymer for non-contact-sensitive homecare and industrial packaging, said to eliminate around 36,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year.
Food-contact recycled PS with dissolution technology revealed by Trinseo
Trinseo has unveiled a transparent recycled polystyrene resin featuring dissolution technology, designed for use in dairy containers, food trays, hot and cold drink cups, and other food-contact applications.
Bespoke polypropylene boxes for transporting bees revealed by Twinplast
Twinplast is helping a leading honeybee supplier transport live pollinators in bespoke corrugated polypropylene shipping boxes, designed to protect the bees while minimizing weight and transport costs.
Axens and SOREMA partner on integrated plastic recycling solutions
Plastics technology licensor Axens and plastics recycling company SOREMA have announced a partnership to provide integrated solutions for the chemical and mechanical recycling of plastic waste.
Tesco, Asda and Lidl among retailers adopting self-separating porridge pots
Greggs, Asda, Lidl, M&S, Tesco, Waitrose and Morrisons have implemented Greiner Packaging’s self-separating packaging solution – which is said to achieve a recyclability rate of up to 98% – into their own-brand instant porridge pots.
Starbucks, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola see 51% return rate with default reusable cups
The Coca-Cola Company, Starbucks, PepsiCo and others served reusable takeaway cups as the default in a Closed Loop Partners trial and apparently achieved a 51% return rate, suggesting environmental benefits for mandatory reuse.