
Packaging data specialist Ecoveritas will unveil a new online analysis and reporting tool, ecoview, later this month.

The company describes ecoview as a comprehensive digital platform that provides users with transparency and accessibility to their packaging data at a granular level, while offering brands and retailers a detailed breakdown of their packaging supply chain.

Ecoveritas says that in the past, compliance schemes and EPR data services have only been required to perform one task - complete submissions in an accurate and timely fashion so that data stands up to audit from governing bodies and the correct fees are being paid.

In more recent years, it says that the environmental landscape has shifted considerably for producers of packaged goods, highlighting the problems of a plastic packaging linear economy.

New requirements for businesses have emerged meaning more responsibility, accountability, and activity around packaging metric data. This has presented many companies with the challenge of establishing quality packaging data resources that can be accessed through a central mechanism.

Even if they do have data, the task to maintain, ensure quality, and interrogate the data requires skilled, ongoing resource.

Josh Remi, commercial manager at Ecoveritas, says: “At any point in time, users can view a high-level snapshot of their packaging products, enabling them to interrogate their data, see gaps and opportunities for improvement in their packaging operations, and benchmark progress to meet KPIs.

“Users can really drill down into everything from packaging by polymer type, volume of recycled content by supplier and recyclability of materials, to plastic packaging tonnage by department and information about OPRL certification. It also provides information relating to branded and own-brand products.

“Importantly, as we approach implementation of the UK Plastic Packaging Tax, users of ecoview can see their projected costs from April 2022 and easily identify, at the click of a button, where action can be taken to reduce their bill by both supplier and product.”

Ecoview focuses on the global picture and has been designed with the aim of being flexible and providing in-depth analysis and reporting that seeks to add value to users’ wider sustainability objectives.

“The platform has been developed with users front of mind,” said Josh Remi. “In creating it, we have really focused on making life easier for brands and retailers as they try to navigate the increasingly important area of packaging compliance.