Gummed paper tapes are increasingly benefiting from the requirements of both, sustainable packaging and the prevention of theft of valuable products during transport.
Especially its use by deliveries of E-commerce orders is growing rapidly. Strong properties like made from renewable resources, 100% recyclability, a starch based adhesive and an integral closure method, strengthen this growth.
These main conclusions were drawn in Naples during the annual Congress of FIPAGO, the International Federation of the gummed paper chain.
Emphasis was put on keeping spread these positive messages on gummed paper tape as the favorite modern and efficient method for closing and sealing boxes. Therefore a new webpage was launched including extended product information for members, customers and policy makers.
Fipago celebrates its 60th. anniversary In a very friendly atmosphere, special attention was paid to the celebration of the 60th. anniversary of FIPAGO ( the abbreviation for Fédération Internationale des fabricants de PApiers GOmmés). Founded in 1957 by a group of European producers, FIPAGO has grown to an international Federation of producers, converters and suppliers of gummed paper tape, serving the interests of its members from Europe, India, South-America and USA-Canada.
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