
With the Smart Packaging prototype of a “counting folding carton”, the August Faller Group has designed an innovative packaging solution to improve compliance and make handling the medicine easier for the patients. The intelligent, interactive pharmaceutical packaging is equipped with a small e-paper display and electronic controls (buttons).

With the development of smarter packaging, this specialist for secondary packaging in the pharma/ pharmaceutical and healthcare industry meets the needs of increased digitalisation on the e-health market and the growing interest in interactive packaging solutions.

With the new packaging prototype “Counting Device”, the patient confirms he/she has taken the tablet by pressing a button on the front of the folding carton. If the supply of tablets starts to get low, the e-paper display shows a warning in good time and reminds you to order a prescription. This ensures continual medication.

The tiny microcontroller (storage medium-on-chip) of the innovative folding carton is supplied via a battery integrated in the packaging. The flat structure of the electronics was a central requirement for easy integration in a pharmaceutical package. Faller solves this with a printed circuit board mounted on the back and an e-paper display integrated into the folding carton construction on the front.

With Smart Packaging solutions, pharmaceutical manufacturers can offer patients pharmaceuticals with true added value; on the one hand they provide comprehensive and customised information and on the other, they increase security and make taking medication more comfortable. The intelligent pharmaceutical packaging “Counting Device” is one of three newly developed Smart Packaging prototypes that have been developed in collaboration with MSC Technologies from Freiburg and Pforzheim College. As well as the counting folding carton, these include the prototype of a “Level Indicator”, an intelligent packaging solution that calculates how much liquid remains in a bottle with fluid medication as well as the prototype “Medical Prescription” that not only counts the tablets and reminds the patients to take them promptly, but can also send the prescription via Bluetooth to the packaging, using a specially developed app.

The Smart Packaging ideas give an indication of what is possible. Naturally Faller is also developing individual solutions together with its clients that are exactly customised to concrete applications.

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