In April 2017 Sihl GmbH achieved the Silver award in a CSR assessment done by EcoVadis. EcoVadis set the target of improving social and environmental practices through supplier sustainability ratings. The silver award confirms the high status of the social responsibility shown by the coating company Sihl. 

The aim of the CSR ratings is to obtain a clear picture of the applied practices and to enable a responsible choice of business partners. The definition of “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) stands for the social responsibility of companies in regards to a sustainable economy. The evaluation is based on 21 criteria, divided under four main themes, the environment; working conditions & human rights; fair business practices and sustainable procurement. The assessment method reflects international CSR Standards, for example: the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact as well as the ISO 26000.

Within the framework of the CSR rating, Sihl GmbH was assessed according to these criterions and successfully landed a position amongst the top 15 per cent of companies attended. The award confirms the high standards Sihl sets on integrating social responsibilities and the CSR initiatives within the company’s daily business activities; as well as strengthening and expanding the company’s future leading position, sustainability, social thinking and business.

The agency EcoVadis with an office in Paris is the first platform that enables companies to analyze and evaluate the performance of their business partners across 150 sectors and in 110 countries. 

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