All Sustainable Packaging Summit articles – Page 4

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    Video: Sustainable Packaging Summit 2019 - part 3


    In the third of five films from the Sustainable Packaging Summit 2019, Chris Daly discusses PepsiCo's challenges around integrating its packaging into a circular economy and its multi-faceted strategy to realise it

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    Video: Sustainable Packaging Summit 2019 - part 2


    In the second of five films, Dana Mosora shares the progress made by CEFLEX, as the European flexibles value chain unites to map out and realise a viable circular economy with universal collection and recycling of flexible packaging

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    Video: Sustainable Packaging Summit 2019 - part 1


    In the first part of the Sustainable Packaging Summit 2019, Gian De Belder introduces P&G's Ambition 2030 and the 'HolyGrail' project, investigating the potential of digital watermarking to revolutionise plastic packaging sorting and recycling