All sustainability articles
Circularity - LinkedIn LIVE Panel
In the latest LinkedIn Live panel of the year, as part of the Sustainable Packaging Summit 2024 series, we take a deep dive into the topic of Circularity.
We will be asking vital questions such as: What is the pivotal role of safe and sustainable chemical innovation? How do we meet PPWR targets? And what is the forecast for recycled content; how do we meet requirements; what technologies do we need to focus on and fund? -
Resource Depletion - LinkedIn LIVE panel
How do we measure the value of packaging materials?
Join us for the next LinkedIn Live panel discussion series on Wed 6 November at 1300 (CEST), in anticipation of the Sustainable Packaging Summit. -
Elvire Regnier explores how Procurement supports Sustainability
Elvire Regnier, founder of the Regenerative-Advisory, “Shaping the future of Procurement and Sales through Regenerative Operating Models” chats with Libby Munford, Editor, ahead of speaking at the Sustainable Packaging Summit in a key panel.
Plant fibre-based packaging - LIVE
Plant fibre-based packaging, made from materials such as bamboo or bagasse, plays an important role to fulfil demands for sustainable packaging. What are some of the advantages and challenges around the material? Join the live webinar with YUTOECO on Linkedin.
Using existing infrastructure for new materials with Solutum’s Daniel Friedmann
Libby Munford chats with Daniel Friedmann, who has recently been announced as Solutum’s Corporate Director and Board Member.
Reuse Part 2: Scaling reuse in today’s regulatory landscape
In the second episode of our reuse two-parter, Victoria Hattersley speaks to Stephanie Northen, PhD Researcher in Microplastics and Research Associate for Revolution Plastics and the Global Plastics Policy Centre at the University of Portsmouth, about how reuse can be implemented on a wider scale within the current regulatory landscape ...