BW Flexible Systems 31.07.24

BW Flexible Systems has launched the SYMACH 3500S palletizer, which it says delivers high-speed stacking and palletizing performance for bags, bales, crates and cases.

The SYMACH 3500S merges the original Thiele Master 3500 palletizer experience with the SYMACH palletizing platform. 

The company states the 3500S has a stacking cage which contains bags within the specified dimensions, hoping to reduce and prevent product overhang for a sturdier and more stable pallet. This is said to ensure that pallets are square and make them easy to load and stack in warehouses and trucks. 
Apparently, the 3500S includes an ‘operator-friendly’ human-machine interface that supports 12 languages and facilitates communication with enterprise resource planning, warehouse management and manufacturing execution systems for data exchange. The interface also features pattern creation and recovery. Reportedly occupying a more compact footprint than a robotic palletizer, the company says the 3500S is an ‘ideal choice’ for space-restricted environments. 

Jan-Pieter Grootendorst, global product line leader for Bag Filling and Palletizing at BW Flexible Systems, said: “The 3500S was designed to solve specific palletizing challenges, including the risk of rejected shipments, manufacturing footprint constraints and ease of operation. 

“When laying out a palletizing line for manufacturers, we always consider their upstream and downstream needs,” added Grootendorst. “For this reason, we offer many optional add-ons for pallet and slip sheet dispensing, conveying and pallet wrapping to provide a complete solution for their packaging line.” 

In similar news, Proco Machinery revealed a new cobot palletizing system in April, seeking to improve efficiency and profitability, as well as lowering manufacturing costs and reducing reliance on manual labour by palletizing trays and tier sheets for plastic bottles. The system set to unlock greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness to improve the overall performance of a manufacturer’s operations. 

Italy’s FM Vision has created a system that loads rows of vials or bottles in cases, with picking heads that will adjust automatically to the number and the spacing of containers. The specially designed crate-gripper is reportedly symmetrical and force-controlled to ensure a secure grip on both full and empty crates, stacking them where appropriate. 

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