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Brand Director, Packaging Europe Tim is brand director at Packaging Europe, where he has led content development for 15 years. He has wide interests around innovation in packaging technology and its impacts on the environment, consumer experience, supply chain efficiencies, etc. Tim is the founder and organiser of the Sustainability Awards, which has established itself as the leading global competition focused on sustainable packaging innovation. |
About the Sessions
It’s All About Data
Mon 14 Nov, 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM (15 Mins) • Presentation Area I/Main Stage
Opening and welcome. Eef de Ferrante / AIPIA and Tim Sykes (Packaging Europe) are welcoming you to the AIPIA World Congress.
Connected Packaging and Redefining the Data Flow
Mon 14 Nov, 10:45 AM – 11:30 AM (1 Hour) • Presentation Area I/Main Stage
An important panel discussion. AIPIA community will be asked to move this development forward.
All along the value chain data can provide critical insights about your product, its journey and how consumers react to it. Smart Packaging opens a new dimension to the collection and delivery of data which can then be used to enable New Product Development, Provenance, Authentication, Supply Chain Security and Consumer Engagement. Data flows two ways, outwards to your suppliers, retailers and customers and internally to improve production, distribution and marketing. So being able to interpret this stream of data is vital. All stakeholders in the supply chain need to change their way of thinking about how to handle data, to ensure it is shared across all parts of the business.
At the AIPIA Congress you will learn how to harness the power of this data from experts in the Internet of Things/Internet of Packaging Thanks to Smart Packaging it has never been easier to collect data about CPGs and the people who buy them. This data flows both ways, outwards to suppliers, retailers and customers but also internally, to improve, NPD, production, distribution and marketing. So using these data effectively is a vital business function. However this means many companies need to change the way they share data across their business. Come and listen to experts in the Internet of Things/Internet of Packaging and Digital Twins at the AIPIA World Congress and learn how to harness the power of data for your business.
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