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About Stardust Secured™


Stardust Secured™ is a brand of Stardust Materials, LLC, founded in 1998 and family-owned. Our dedicated team of physicists, engineers, and intelligence professionals has built our company into the world’s premier manufacturer and supplier of covert security tracers.

Our two-part system (highly engineered tracers and sensors) is more cost effective, secure, and better performing than the market alternatives. We guarantee comprehensive technical assistance and successful implementation of every traceability and security solution. Smart packaging in particular is able to benefit from our technology in the areas of anti-counterfeiting, anti-diversion, process control, and automated decision making.

Also, because all the development and manufacturing occur in-house at our secured facility in Orchards, Washington State, you can rest assured that your products, supply chains, and brands are Stardust Secured™.